Lee Roy Beach: Blog, Art, and Publications about The Psychology of Narrative Thought

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Art Biography

I began college as a theater arts major and soon learned that this wasn't for me. So, I went next door and took art classes. At the end of the term my instructor infomed me that while I might eventually learn to be a pretty good artist, a career was out of the question because I had nothing to say. This seemed a little harsh; I was 16 years old.

Having nothing to say, I majored in psychology.

Over the years, I painted a few things, mostly as gifts for friends. But, in the 1990's I began to experiment with acrylics and my interest grew. I must have come across something to say during the thirty years since I was a college freshman because I became very productive and my work was well received (although I would pay to have some of that early work back, so I could burn it). I have learned a lot and changed a lot since I became a serious artist, and a selection of my recent work can be seen on this site by clicking the heading for Paintings.  

Exhibitions and Related Activities:
1998, exhibition of paintings January-May, ArtSpace Gallery, Tucson
1999, participant, group exhibition, January-May, ArtSpace Gallery, Tucson
2000, participant, group exhibition, January-May, ArtSpace Gallery, Tucson
2002, exhibition of paintings January-May, ArtSpace Gallery, Tucson
2002, exhibition of paintings January-February, Borders Bookstore, Tucson
2002, exhibition of paintings February-April, River Road Library, Tucson
2002, exhibition of paintings, April, Cuppuccino’s Coffee House, Tucson
2002, exhibition of paintings, July, Chocolate Iguana Coffee House, Tucson
2002, exhibition of paintings, Oct.-Dec., Campus Christian Center, Tucson
2002, exhibition of paintings, November, Murphy Gallery, Tucson
2002-2004, exhibited at and represented by Gallery 7000, Tucson
2004, participant, group exhibition, Liz Hernandez Gallery, Tucson
2004, participant, group exhibition, ITKO Gallery, Los Angeles
2004, exhibition of paintings, November, Studio 180, Tucson
2005, participant, group exhibition, September, Tubac Center of the Arts, Tubac
2005, exhibition of paintings, November, Wild Oats, Tucson
2005-2006, member, Otero Artists' Cooperative
2005-2006, participant, ongoing group exhibitions, Otero Gallery, Tubac
2005-2007, participant, ongoing group shows, Arts Partnership Gallery, Tucson
2005-2007, participant, ongoing group show, Art & Framing Co., Tucson
2006, featured artist, February, Atelier Gallery, Tubac Center of the Arts, Tubac
2006, featured artist, April, Arts Partnership Gallery, Tucson
2007, participant, May, Salon des Refuses, Dinnerware Gallery, Tucson
2007-present, participant, ongoing group shows, The Art Gallery, Tucson
2009-present, participant, ongoing group shows, Gallery 801, Tucson
2009-present, member, Tucson Revivalist Art Collective (TRAC)
2009, participant, June, Forbidden Garden, Dinnerware Gallery, Tucson
2007-present, represented by Stone Dragon Gallery, Tucson
2009-present, founding member and represented by, Flux Art Gallery, Tucson
Throughout my forty years as a psychologist, I studied, among other things, the neurological and experiential aspects of perception; how the mind creates cognitive representations of environmental events from partial and unreliable sense data.  I found that the very act of creating these representations makes them both meaningful and compelling to the observer.  As a result, I strive to avoid dictating the observer’s experience, providing only enough visual data for the observer to create his or her own artistic experience, thereby inviting participation in the creation of the work itself.  The goal is for the observer to have an artistic experience that is both intellectually and emotionally stimulating and that is unique to him or her.
My usual method of painting is acrylic on Clayboard, often cutting the board after the painting is complete to either leave spaces between panels of the painting or to inlay metal or wood. I make my own frames because I want the painting to be surrounded by a plain border and a narrow wooden edge.